Sunday 12 May 2013

Less logic and more magic

Is it a Birdseye? Is it a Virgin Atlantic plane? Well, yes it could be, because brands such as those are on course to become heroes. Brand purpose is the new frontier for brand building, and brands with a social mission at their core are winning hearts and minds of consumers everywhere.

It represents a swing towards what Marc Mathieu, Senior Vice-President, Marketing at Unilever refers to as "less logic and more magic".

What could your brand stand for, or against? How could it help to progress and make the lives of real people better?

Having a social mission is not just the domain of the few, entirely "good" entrepreneurial brands. It's possible for many brands to identify their social mission. It just has to be founded on a truth and a passion that is unique to your brand and business. It's possible even for one brand within a business of many.

After all, where there's a will there's a way.

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