Thursday 23 May 2013

Our Breakfast Club: the 'S' Words

Our Breakfast Club is an idea we've had to share and debate brand challenges and opportunities before work, and with coffee and croissant in hand. Each small session will offer simple straightforward advice on some of marketings sometimes complex topics, and we'll hear from people who've been there and done it. Our inaugural club is happening on 7th June with special thanks to our experts Alex Cole and Robyn Pearce and our client friends who are participating.

We agree with David Jones (Who Cares Wins) when he says, "Two of the biggest issues and opportunities facing business today are how to cope with the dramatic rise of social media and how to be more socially responsible."Social media and social mission are not two different things, but very much interlinked as I hope this first session will go to show.

We'll be posting content after the event and sharing the ideas discussed and soundbites.

If you are interested in attending or speaking at subsequent events please get in touch.

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