Thursday 16 May 2013

Our philosophy? Simple, do what we do best.

We live in an age where we’re swamped with information. But information and technology don't always make life simpler. Last night, for example, overwhelmed with the number of take-away-options I could order on line, I reverted to a boiled egg and it was quite lovely.

From confusing charts and models, to uninterpretable jargon and wordy propositions, modern marketing has become a highly complicated and frustrating business.

As agencies we might feel we're not doing our job, or haven't earned our fees, if we haven't made things seem complex. But in doing so we are undermining our value to clients. It’s little wonder that so much of what it delivers misses the mark and leaves consumers baffled and boards nonplussed.

What’s needed in today’s complex business environment is some good old fashioned simplicity, or as we call it - black and white thinking. We need to have confidence in our own thinking. Fewer slides and simpler language should be celebrated. We need to go back to basics and remember that creativity is our currency.

We focus on what good design and design strategy has always done well: creative problem solving. The pencil is mightier than the mac, so we sketch all ideas and insights, share them with our clients so and build them together. Let's face it brilliantly simple ideas are always the ones that we all remember.

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